The Parish Live Simply Challenge – Ready For Lift Off!

We hope that by now most of you will know that we are undertaking the Live Simply Challenge as a Parish. For those who are not familiar with Live Simply, this is a challenge set by Cafod to act as framework for our response to Pope Francis’ “call to arms” in the climate emergency, set out in his encyclical letter Laudato Si.

The challenge has 3 components: to live Simply (and so conserve the planet’s resources), to live Sustainably (trying to ensure our way of life does not add to the damage being done to the planet), and to live in Solidarity with the poor (through both practical and spiritual actions).

 To earn the award, our parish community needs to demonstrate that we are taking concrete actions in these 3 areas by instigating one major and two minor actions for each category.


What actions are we taking as a parish?

We are very grateful to parishioners who attended the workshop to help discern the actions that will have the biggest impact in our community. The 12 actions that have been agreed are as follows and in each of three categories.

 Live Simply Actions

Major action

A schedule of informative talks (live and online) related to sustainability topics. To include diocesan speakers as well as local companies and charities. You will be able to find a list of events posted regularly here.


Knowledge of the issues is key to understanding the solutions, as well as reminding us of the need to change our own behaviour. We hope that the talks will be an informative and thought-provoking and provide a context for the other actions we are undertaking.

How can you get involved?

If you would like to help organising the schedule of talks or if you have any suggestions for speakers, please do get in touch with us and let us know.

Look out for dates of the talks in the newsletter (or sign up to the Cafod mailing list) and do come along and join us as we explore these issues. 

First minor action

Taking “active transport” to walk during the summer months. 


We are all aware of the carbon footprint that car travel causes. For those of us who do not have restricted mobility and live within walking/cycling distance of church, leaving the car at home can be a great way of reducing our carbon footprint and reconnecting with our local area (not to mention improving our own health).

How can you get involved?

Take up the challenge to use active transport in getting to church each week throughout the summer months. This may even be a starting point from which to consider other places you could commute to without a car – Work? School? Visiting friends locally?

We recognise that there are some parishioners who may have restricted mobility and rely on a car to get to church. If you are dependent on a car, could you consider offering a lift to anyone else or perhaps taking it in turns?  If you would be interested in a parish lift-sharing scheme, please do get in contact with the Live Simply Team.

Second minor action

Collating a list of local sustainable and fairtrade companies, as well as tips/factoids for living simply.


Many of us are on board with the concept of living simply, but are not really sure where to begin. We hope to collate a list of useful starting places, as well as to share any knowledge gained along our journey towards living more simply.

How can you get involved?

If anyone would like to help curate the list or has a suggestion for a company that could be included, please do contact the Live Simply Team.

Look out for the list of sustainable companies (link to be shared via newsletter) as well as for the weekly tips all of which can be found here.


Living Sustainably Actions


Major action

Attracting bees to the church garden and creating a bug hotel on church grounds.


Bees and other insect pollinators are essential for biodiversity through maintaining healthy plant populations, which in turn impact on everything from supporting animal species to food security for humans. This is one way of trying to do our bit to address the decline in pollinators in the previous few decades.

How can you get involved?

We are looking for volunteers (young and old) to help create and maintain the bug hotel. If you think that you could get involved then please do get in touch. If you have been involved in similar projects at school or at home, we would particularly welcome your expertise. 

First minor action

An audit of all the products used at the Church and consideration to where we can introduce sustainable replacements (eg cleaning products, consumables etc).


Part of living sustainably is trying to understand how we can reduce the damage being done to our common home. This will include reducing single-use plastics, as well as products that contain chemicals that could damage the environment or are produced in a way that causes excessive harm to the planet.

How can you get involved?

You may wish to do a similar audit within your own household to see what changes you could make at home.

Second minor action

A monthly living sustainably challenge will be shared via the parish newsletter and you can check it out here. We are hoping that some of our younger parishioners might like to take the lead on this monthly challenge and set the rest of us an example to follow.


Although we all know we need to make changes, sometimes it can be hard to introduce these into our daily lives. Focusing on one challenge per month will help things seem less daunting and yet prove what we are capable of if we put our minds to it. By the end of each month we may have learned something about what longer term sustainable changes we can make.

How can you get involved?

We are hoping that this will develop into an ongoing project and are looking for a team to plan and promote the monthly challenge. We hope that some of our younger parishioners might like to take the lead on this (but would appreciate the wisdom of less-young parishioners also).

Look out for the monthly challenge in the newsletter; we would love as many parishioners to participate as possible.


Living In Solidarity Actions


Major action

A sponsored walk between St Dunstan’s and St Hugh of Lincoln with funds raised going to charity.


Many of the world’s poorest communities rely on walking miles a day just to access basic necessities (clean water, schooling, etc). By walking between the two parishes we remind ourselves of the comparative luxury of having access to cars and public transport to get around. The money raised will then be used to benefit a charity which is also an act of solidarity. We hope that during the walk we can also strengthen the connection between our two parishes.

How can you get involved?

We are looking for volunteers to help organise the walk and to act as marshalls on the day. We are going to be extending a particular invite to our confirmation candidates to participate, but would be thrilled to see as many other parishioners as possible join them on the day. If you want to be involved please do get in touch.

First minor action

(Ongoing) support for our local Foodbank.


The sad increase in the use of foodbanks is all too familar to require much explanation. Foodbanks provide an emergency food supply that would last a family around 3 days and is used to tide them over a period of excessive hardship while other support is being organised. In 2022, the Woking foodbank provided food to 3908 adults and 2462 children – a 25% increase in need compared to 2021.

How can you get involved?

Continue giving as generously as you have been doing. In light of the 25% increased need, could you consider donating a small amount more?

Find out more about the work of the foodbank by visiting:

To find out more about the foodbank organisation and some of campaigns they run to address the causes of food poverty, visit

Second minor action

Developing a parish project to support a community in need.


This is a much larger task than all the others. Twinning with another parish or supporting a small community project will help us develop a more personal connection as a parish with the community we are supporting and so fulfil our mission to “live in solidarity with the poor”. We plan that the project should take place over two years, to give time to enable meaningful action.

How can you get involved?

At this stage, we are looking for suggestions from anyone with connections to a community that could benefit from support. We are also looking for anyone willing to be part of a small team managing the project.

We are hoping that all parishioners will take up the Live Simply challenge enthusiastically and contribute their time and talents. If you feel that you can become more particularly involved in any of the twelve actions, then please do contact the Live Simply Team.


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