“ ....and walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8...
...or get out your bike/share a lift?
Picture this - a leisurely walk or cycle to church, where you can stretch your legs and enjoy some fresh air, arriving at church invigorated and ready to meet our Lord in the Eucharist and in the Word. For those of us who are able to walk or cycle to church, the benefits could be incredibly rewarding. It might even be a prayerful sacrifice, part of your spiritual journey, and it will be good for your health too.
As we take in the beauty of the nature that surrounds us during our walk or cycle, we have time to appreciate God’s creation and our environment. When we walk, we can say hello to local people and if with family or someone else, share special time with them as we walk and talk. We notice things too, that we just don’t see in a car.
More than this, we have time to mull things over: time to consider what our week has been like, to think about people and causes to pray for. We gain time to reflect on our lives. Just like the disciples with Jesus on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-35).
We can also give thanks for all we have; for all that we so often take for granted. We might be able to consider what it must be like to walk for miles to find food, or water, or to see a doctor or a nurse for ourselves and our families. We have time to contemplate, (though we must pay attention crossing or cycling on the road!).
There are, no doubt, many things to reflect on and contemplate in each of our lives. We can offer all of our thoughts and concerns to the Lord in prayer - and when we arrive at church, as we share in Holy Mass together with fellow parishioners and friends in church. We do our bit for the planet too, saving on fuel for our cars and reducing pollution, by Living Simply. But this takes some effort on our part, and maybe a little planning. If you can, will you consider walking to church, or cycling, if not regularly, then once in a while?
But if it's too far or you can’t walk or cycle...
Of course, for some it may be too far to walk to church. Others may not be physically able to do so. In which case, do you drive? And if you do, have you already got a car full or could you give a lift to someone who lives nearby? Or are you someone who needs a lift to Mass?
If you drive, maybe someone who lives near you also drives. If so, could you car share; maybe taking it in turns to drive to church? It’s great to chat to someone other than family in the car. And it could really cheer up someone who lives alone.
Taking just one car instead of two for, let’s say, 40 Sunday trips to Mass and back of 3 miles each way, might save as much as 53 kgs (116 pounds) of carbon dioxide being generated.* 53kg is the equivalent average weight of a 13-14 year old teenager!
What a benefit that saving in carbon dioxide emissions might have for our planet! It would make both David Attenborough and Our Lord happy!
So, if you cannot walk but could car share with someone, please do suggest that to a neighbour or friend.
Or let the Parish know if you are willing to give someone a lift to Mass from your area or if you need a lift to Mass. Make contact by email at livesimply@st-dunstans.org or phone the Parish office on 01483 760652 and leave a message and someone from the LiveSimply team will be in touch with you.
*Based on 2020 figures from the Dept of Transport of average CO2 emissions per car.