What’s coming up this Spring
As lent begins and spring brings some welcome length to the days, here is a round up of some dates to save and events coming up in the Parish
Live Simply Seed and plant swap – Sunday 6th April
Bring unwanted seeds and plants/seedlings to swap for something new to your garden/vegetable patch. Label items clearly please. Sharing seeds is a way to try to Live Sustainably, preventing waste of resources in line with our becoming a Live Simply Parish. It also shows our care for creation, which is one of the themes of this Jubilee Year.
Easter Hamper Raffle for our Overseas Project in Ikutha, Kenya
Tickets for sale soon – win a Hamper filled with responsibly sourced and sustainable products!
Raffle to be held on Easter Sunday!
Parish walk 11th May: a chance to walk, talk and enjoy our local area
Following last year’s successful and enjoyable Parish community walk, we hope you will join us for another walk from St Dunstan’s church along the canal to St Hugh’s where refreshments will be available. More details to follow soon. Volunteers will be needed to act as Marshalls to assist.
All funds raised from the Easter Hamper and our Parish walk will help the Sisters in Ikutha, Kenya, teach sustainable farming practices to local women, to empower them to overcome food poverty - another theme of our Jubilee Year.
If you are interested in helping at any of the above events, we would love to hear from you!
The Live Simply team