Useful Websites

We have collected some recommendations from the Live Simply team that we hope will inspire you. If you have a bit of time, we encourage you to explore and see what interests you.

We had a wonderful workshop in the Parish in September which was organised by The Ecological Conversion Group , you can find all kinds of resources and information on their website in furtherance of their mission: “to help our Church, motivated by faith, to respond to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”

For a wealth of information, events and resources in our local area go to Woking Environment Action. Their list of links which you can find here is a treasure trove of useful information - whether you want to know how to save water, where to buy from local green businesses or how to get involved in litter picks and nature walks, this is the place to look.

Take The Jump “is a vibrant movement of normal people experimenting with living fully while in balance with nature. Coming together to make practical changes, support and inspire each other, celebrate success and drive a shift in society’s mindsets and cultures.“ If you are looking for ideas on how to begin making changes in your life, this is a great place to start.

In aid of encouraging the “loan, not own” approach to goods, Zero Carbon Guildford and local residents have banded together to promote community sharing and material waste reduction with a library of things.

Surrey Wildlife Trust with its members and volunteers, works to protect wildlife across Surrey, both on our nature reserves and through work with others. They organise wonderful events in the local area.

Cafod is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and part of Caritas International. As well as details of the LiveSimply award, you can find lots of ways to take action through faith on their website.

Too Good to Go is a brilliant food waste app that allows you to explore shops and restaurants in your local area and save Surprise Bags of surplus food from going to waste at a great price.