As the sun peaks in our northern skies we take the time to reflect on the value of our seasons and the need to stabilise our warming planet and we seek the grace of a hopeful heart.
If you want to undertake a longer learning experience, consider doing one of the self paced online courses run by the United Nations in relation to the sustainable development goals. You can find more information and browse what is available here.
Sign up for 30 Days Wild with the Wildlife Trust.
Do one ‘wild’ thing a day for the month of June.
Get involved in the Great Big Green Week with Cafod - make a swap and tell Cafod about it.
Sometimes as we begin to learn about sustainability and the reality of our Earth’s living systems it can be overwhelming or disheartening. Its very important for us to keep coming back to faith, hope and love. Pray this month for the grace of hope.
St Columba’s Retreat house has a beautiful day of retreat this month, based on the wonderful promises in Isaiah 35. “We will explore our experience of going through the desert and help us to: See purpose in the desert; Find streams in the desert; Follow the Highway of Holiness – a way through the desert!”