September 2024
September: Each year from 1st September to 4th October, the Christian family unites for this worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. This month, head, hands and heart are drawn from the Celebration Guide for the Season of Creation.
Consider organising a contemplative walk outside to reflect on the gift of God’s creation, whether by yourself or with others.
Choose something from outisde - a rock, a leaf, a twig - that you can keep in your home to remind you of the overwhelming gift of creation, its constant renewal, the profound aliveness of our world.
The symbol for 2024 is the first fruits of hope. To delve deeper into the theological reflection that guides the 2024 theme and symbol, find more information here.
Each day this month, set aside 5 minutes to pray for the Grace of hope and to see where the fruits of hope are ripening in your life and heart.