October: As the year begins to turn, equinox behind us, this month is a time to reflect on what ‘simply’ means to you and to consider the areas in your life that you could simplify. We commend the resources of the Green Christian website to you and your family.
Check out the Green Christian website and learn about the LOAF approach to food.
Tune into one of their Joy in Enough talks this month. Riverford came to talk to us at St Dunstans this year and we commend their founder Guy Singh-Watson's talk online on the Green Christian on Wednesday 16th October.
Consider going through your clothes and home, what could you donate to charity or reuse as a way to simplify your life and share with those in need?
Its not just our physical possessions that are worth reviewing for simplification. Data farms use enormous amounts of energy. Could you delete any photos or data from the cloud?
What does living simply mean to your personally? Ask Jesus in your prayer to show you what he wants you to understand about living simply in your particular life.
Each meal this month, say a prayer of thanksgiving for the nourishment that flows through your food into your body and life.