February: Congratulations! You have completed a Year of Living Sustainably, with simplicity and in solidarity with the poor. You have journeyed with head, heart and hands through your inner and outer landscape and in this final month together, at the beginning of the Jubilee Year, we invite you to consider what you will take forward as you continue to love and care for our common home.
Thank you to all who journeyed with us this year. May God bless your onward path.
Consider taking the online Course in Integral Ecology which is being run again by the Pontifical University; this started in 2024 and is a truly wonderful way to consider the journey from Laudate ‘Si to Laudate Deum. Also a wonderful way to continue your journy beyond this year of living sustainably. Find out more here.
Take a moment to look back through the months of the last year, which of the ‘hands resources’ did you find most helpful, interesting, fruitful? Choose something that you will carry with you as we come to the end of this year of living sustainably and you begin your journey onwards.
In this Jubilee year, take the words of Pope Francis into your heart, and pray that you will be fruitful in your heart’s deepest desire to love and care for our common home, our brothers and sisters, and the manifold gifts God gives us in the natural world. May God bless you.